jeudi 2 mai 2013

Les class actions enfin en France : comprendre les expériences à l'étranger / "French" class actions: understand past experiences in foreign countries

Alors que le projet de "class actions à la française" est actuellement examiné par le gouvernement , il est intéressant de se (re)plonger dans des lectures dédiées à l'état des class actions dans d'autres pays.
Je recommande donc la lecture de :
- pour le Canada, Geneviève Saumier, "Competing class actions across Canada: still at the starting gate after Canada Post v. Lepine?", Canadian Business Law Journal, 2010, vol. 48, p. 462 et s.
- pour les Etats-Unis, Tiana Lea Russell, "Exporting class action to the European Union", Boston University International Law Journal, 2012, vol. 28, p. 141 et s.

As the project of class actions à la française is currently examined by the French gouvernment, it is interesting to get absorbed in some good reading dedicated to class actions in foreign countries. I do recommand:
- for Canada, Geneviève Saumier, "Competing class actions across Canada: still at the starting gate after Canada Post v. Lepine?", Canadian Business Law Journal, 2010, vol. 48, p. 462 et s.
- for USA, Tiana Lea Russell, "Exporting class action to the European Union", Boston University International Law Journal, 2012, vol. 28, p. 141 et s.

mercredi 1 mai 2013

The role of general counsels is evolving. As mentioned by E. Norman Veasey and Christine T. Di Guglielmo, in their paper "General Counsel Buffeted by Compliance Demands and Client Pressures May Face Personal Peril", :

"Not only does the general counsel uniquely straddle the world of business and law in giving advice to the management and directors of her client (the corporation), but also she may find herself personally in the crosshairs of regulators, prosecutors, and litigants" and " But the quintessential general counsel, acting as both persuasive counselor and a leader in setting the corporation’s ethical tone, will do the right thing and thus be prepared to deal with these challenges and tensions".

To read more:

You can also read "Du directeur juridique au general counsel", a paper published after a round-table with several general counsels, my colleague Prof. Christophe Jamin from the Law School of Sciences Po', Paris, and myself (Cahiers de Droit de l'Entreprise, nov-dec 2012, p. 9-21) (available on demand)

Compliance : nouvelles obligations, nouveaux territoires, nouveau challenge / Compliance: new duties, new territories, new challenge

La compliance prend une place croissante dans les entreprises. Qu'elle provienne de dispositions légales ou d'une volonté autonome de l'entreprise, elle s'affirme comme un instrument de management des risques, notamment juridiques.Source de nouveaux challenges pour les entreprises, elle pose aussi bien des questions quant aux domaines de risques à couvrir, à l'organisation de la fonction compliance, à la coopération entre les différentes acteurs de l'entreprise, etc. A la frontière entre le droit, la gestion des risques, le management et l'éthique, elle doit être perçue comme un moyen d'améliorer la performance de l'entreprise.

La collection Lamy Conformité (éditions Lamy, Groupe Wolters Kluwer) est ainsi dédiée à la compliance. Le Centre de recherche LegalEdhec en assure la direction scientifique. A ce jour, 8 ouvrages ont été publiés:
- Risque juridique et Conformité
- Mise sur le marché des médicaments
- Prévenir la santé et la sécurité au travail, 1 et 2
- Codes de bonne conduite et Chartes d'éthique
- Denrées alimentaires
- Informatique et Libertés
- Lutte anti-corruption

D'autres ouvrages sont en cours de rédaction

Pour plus d'informations :

Compliance is of a growing importance in many companies. Whether  it comes from regularoty measures or companies autonomous decision, compliance is a tool for risk management, and especially legal risks. As a source of new challenges, compliance questions risks domains which should be covered, organization of the compliance function in the company, cooperation between different actors in the company, etc. At the frontier between law, risk management, management and ethics, compliance must be perceived as a tool to improve corporate performance.

The Collection Lamy Conformité (Lamy editions, Group Wolteers Kluwer) is dedicated to compliance. LegalEdhec Research Centre has in charge its scientific direction. Until now, 8 books have been published:

- Legal risks and compliance
- Pharmaceutical products
- Prevention of health and security at work
- Codes of good conduct and Ethical Codes
- Food industry
- Information System and Privacy
- Anti-corruption

New books are in progress.

For more information:

Relance - sérieuse - de mon blog! Reboost of my Blog

Après des mois (euphémisme...) de silence, j'ai décidé de relancer sérieusement mon blog. Abonnez-vous !

 After months of silence, I've decided to reboost my Blog. Feel free to subscribe!